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Gray Smith in Guide
Oct 14, 2020
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If you are a business owner who underestimates the potential of business listings, then your opinion might change after reading this article.

Let’s begin…

We all know that no business in the world has planned for the unexpected. As we know that the world has been struck by the Covid-19 pandemic, all that we can do is protect ourselves, our customers, and our employees from becoming a carrier. To be honest, the Covid-19 is causing a lot of businesses to change their daily processes. Many businesses had to close their doors forever, while others are striving hard to survive the catastrophe.

With the current situation, even search engine such as Google and Bing has transformed that way the search ought to work. This has helped people to find exactly what they look for deprived of actually visiting the franchise. If you’re a business owner and want the customers to find you on the search engine, you need to list and rank your brand’s website on the best business listing site for USA right away.

After creating business listings, managing and maintaining them is even more important for Local SEO and leads. This would help increase your authority and credibility in the eyes of people and Search Engines (SEs).

Uploading basic business information on the business listing site is not the only thing you should be doing. As a matter of fact, do not make the same mistake that a lot of people have been making; claiming a listing, adding some basic information, after that leaving it unattended. Now you’d have to optimize it for the search engines and the end-users too.

Ways To Optimize Business Listings For Business

Since you’ve read our article up till here, we’ve assumed that you too are looking for different ways to optimize your business listings, right? If yes, then continue to read until the end of the page to learn different ways that will help you in the overall optimization.

#1: Update Working Hours on Business Listings

It doesn’t matter whether your business is closed, has restricted the working hours because of the smart lockdown, or you are offering limited services, you still need to be sure to update it on your business listing. This will now reflect your new working hours. Because the last thing that you want is to provide you customers with inaccurate information during the time that they need you the most.

You can even update your listings to show special working hours or set them as temporarily closed if you are not operating. While you are updating your listing, take the time to make sure that your contact details are also listed accurately.

#2: Maintain Communication With The Customers

Let’s suppose that you have locked down brand messaging, you have to stay in touch with the existing customers, right? For this, you have to keep the existing customers engaged with your brand via:


Although Google had declared that they will be disabling reviews, reviews answers, and FAQ until further notice, but most business listing sites (like Yelp, HighFive Listings, HomeAdvisor etc.) are still collecting customer reviews. You need to keep monitoring them as a brand and also provide a positive response to them as soon as feasible. This will give your customers a feeling of being valued.

Social Media Profile:

Trust me, these sites are one of the best places to share engaging content during this current situation. To be honest, you’re not allowed to go out so scrolling through such sites is the only way to kill time.

#3: Automate Your Working Flow

At this time, it might look like your business brand has a lot of work cut out for them than it was usually before the Covid-19 pandemic stroked us all. So, if you want to stay on top of everything, you need to opt for a task management system right away.

Try opting for a management system that makes everything easy to manage and also helps you remain ahead of your competition.

#4: Keep Your Profile Perfect

Keep in mind that creating a pitch-perfect profile that has accurate, understandable, and updated information is the first and foremost step towards optimizing your business listing for the search engines such as Google and Bing.

Your business profile is the first thing that potential customers come across when they search for your business brand. What makes your profile perfect?

  • Business Name
  • Physical Address
  • Phone Number
  • Business Category
  • Business Description

You can always change the details of your business once you have been listed on any online business directory. Just make sure that all the information that is being provided is accurate and is the same on all platforms.

#5: Make Sure That The Information Shared Is Consistent

The consistent information over the internet matters to Local SEO because it matters to Google and other SEs. Regardless of whether you deal with local business lists or hundreds or them, any type of inaccuracy regarding the basic information (brand’s name, physical address, and contact number) can affect your business. How? This info will contrarily affect your search listing and may go about as an obstruction to client visibility. Along these lines to ensure that each piece of information you choose to share and upload on the online business listing directory is reliable and accurate. That is, it should match with the information that is presently listed on the brand’s website and also everywhere on the internet.

That may be quite simple; minor human errors can take place. Try not to allow that to occur at any possible time! The listing accurateness is Google’s technique for choosing whether it can believe a business brand result or not. And if you fail to pay needed attention to it, it will be the biggest fault that you do.

#6: Load Only Applicable Images for Business Optimizing

Next, you have uploaded all the basic and required information on your listings, you can now move on to personalizing the vision sides of it. Always remember that no business listing profile is complete without high-quality photos.

This is why you need to upload a high-quality picture, cover photo, a brand logo, and a general image of what your brand ought to look like and what the customer should be expecting from you.

When more and more users foresee your online business brand, there will be a high chance that more and more people will be attracted to it.

#7: Collect Reviews From Customers

Did you know that customer reviews are the most vital to your business marketing mix? But why are they important? Because it offers greater discoverability in the searches – paid and organic. They also improve the trust and confidence of the customers in your business brand and the product.

These customer reviews appear upfront for everyone to see at whatever point they play out a search. Whether it’s for businesses, products, or services on the search engines. These ratings and customer reviews enable it for online shoppers to rapidly look at the competition. Moreover, they judge whether the business brand ought to be relied upon or not.

#8: Try Not To Violate The Guidelines Of Google

Maintain a strategic distance from any kind of penalty transgressions that prompt temporary or permanent banning of the business listing directory account. We all know that listing account getting suspended can be distressing and awful for the business brand. In this way, you need to ensure that each and everything you try when optimizing your business listing is following the exacting Google’s policy.

Utilize good judgment and don’t attempt to play fowl with Google’s ranking algorithm or get an extra listing and you’ll most likely remain on the best side of the search engine.

#9: Post Informative Content

All things considered, people who search online for any business assess it dependent on its ongoing posts. So, it is up to you to make sure that you are uploading valuable content on the online business listings. Yes, you are required to upload content that solely features your products or services. Moreover, it must tell about any up-coming business-related event.

Now that you know about all that is vital to make an outstanding online business listing posts; begin offering your business information to people and give your sales the boost it needs.

#10: Select The Business Category Wisely

The business category you list your brand will influence what you rank for. Google depends intensely on the information you furnish to help coordinate your listing with the searches. So, including a brand category as accurate and suitable for your business as conceivable is significant. For instance, you’re a plumber, yet list your business as a “roofer”, it’s conceivable you may miss out leads. This is because you lost visibility for profoundly significant searches for those looking for a technician for their house.

Contingent upon what business category you choose. There will be features of your business listing directory platform that you have available for business listing, might be affected. For instance, food and drink related companies can include their menu and URLs for reservations. While an inn might have the option to list the different comforts that they offer in their area.

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